Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2023 to 2024 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

The number of pupils in the school and proportion eligible for pupil premium is based on the January 2024 census.

School overview



School name

Abbey Manor College

Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers

2022/23 to 2023/24

Date this statement was published

September 2024

Date on which it will be reviewed

July 2025

Statement authorised by

Head Teacher & Governing Body

Pupil premium lead

Heather Johnston, Head Teacher

Governor / Trustee lead

Jim Mallory


Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years


Total budget for this academic year





Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is additional funding provided by the Department of Education to enhance the education of social-economically disadvantaged pupils, namely those pupils entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) Looked After Children (LAC) and children of Services personnel.

Abbey Manor College is committed to closing the gap in progress and attainment and personal development between students who no longer have access to mainstream education and those who are disadvantaged.



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


History of poor engagement in learning at KS3 and KS4


Majority of students have not had a positive learning experience particularly in relation to reading


Gaps in students learning/knowledge as a results of being a PEX


Students who are vulnerable with mental health, behavioural and anxiety isseus which affect engagement in school and learning


Low levels upon entry, below age related expectations


Speech and Language barriers which impact on progress


Below than expected levels of attainment across the core subjects


Gaps in learning as a result of the pandemic


Historically poor levels of attendance and punctuality to school 


High levels of deprivation


High levels of Youth Offending Services intervention


High levels of social services intervention


High levels of EWO intervention


Significant local gang and postcode conflict


Significant levels of drug use


High levels of youth crime and violence (involving weapons and injury) Lewisham is regularly the in the top 3 boroughs across London


Significant numbers of students receiving MACE and GPG intervention


Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Literacy Intervention 

Improved literacy levels and increased levels of intervention across the school.  Tiered approach used to ensure positive progress.

Improved attainment for Year 11

Improvement in the number and quality of qualifications for the Year 11 cohort

Early entry to exams for Year 10

Early entries to give students the best opportunities to succeed

Tailored pathways for students based on their ability

Appropriate qualifications offered to ensure achievement / better outcomes for all

Effective baseline assessments on entry

Students offered appropriate aspirational pathways based on evidence.  Accurate scores to enable teachers to plan accordingly.

Increased opportunities to gain support around county lines

Early intervention and support for vulnerable students and families

Increased opportunities to gain support with drug abuse

Early intervention and support for vulnerable students and families

Increased opportunities to gain support around CCE and CSE

Early intervention and support for vulnerable students and families

Improved CIAG

Eradicate NEETS and work towards Gatsby benchmark

Improved attendance and punctuality

Improve whole school attendance and punctuality, especially for those who have chronic poor or non-attendance

Improvements in behaviour for learning and engagement 

Individual support mechanisms in school to support behaviour.  Improved data around behaviour for learning.

Improved mental health

Students can access services available in school, fulltime therapist, EP services, and SEWS, providing a holistic approach to mental health


Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £ 25,690



Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Improved teaching and learning across all key stages and subjects

There is consistency across all key stages and teaching staff are held accountable for the standard of teaching provided to our vulnerable cohort


There is consistency and good practice across all keys stages to reduce the possibility of gaps and inconsistency in learning.

1; 2; 3; 5; 7; 8

Further develop the initial assessment scheme across the school


Termly data drops will show students who are achieving or underachieving and can plan interventions where necessary


Staff have additional time at the end of the school day to evaluate and monitor progress

1; 3; 5; 7; 8

A curriculum offer that ensures students in KS3 do not have gaps in their learning when reintegrating back into mainstream school and a KS4 curriculum that supports engagement and increase the number of qualifications gained.

Qualifications gained and evidence shows that it is appropriate to offer some vocational qualifications to suit the needs of some students and improve the variety of options in order to engage students

1; 3; 7

Intervention HLTA’s to close gaps in learning

Intervention programmes for individual students in place. These will enable targeted support in areas where students are under achieving


Dedicated staff enable a focus on specific areas of improvement

1; 2; 3; 6; 7

Reintegration back to mainstream as soon as students are ready with a focus on KS3.Some students in Y10 will successfully reintegrate back into mainstream education

Over 15% of students reintegrated back into mainstream. An increase on the previous year



Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 14,320



Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Careers Information Advice and Guidance in place

Targeted support and advice will evidence that 100% of students have access and information on post 16 options available to them, reducing the number of students leaving NEET to zero

10; 15

Raise attainment of PP students who also have SEN

Pupils eligible for PP are assessed at the point of entry for any unidentified needs using a triangulation of baseline testing and received historical data. For instance, CATS identify leaners who may have a specific learning difficulty at the point of entry.


The York Assessment for Reading and Comprehension (YARC) assess all students for gaps in literacy and identifies them for additional support, 1:1 and in the classroom


PP students offered a curriculum with targeted support with specific identified learning difficulties and/or gaps in learning


PP learners whose needs are beyond Abbey Manor College’s given in-school support are given access to external professionals including but not limited to:


  1. Speech and Language Therapist
  2. Specialist literacy support
  3. Student and whole school support from the Educational Psychology Service


4; 6; 7

Implement 1:1 and small group sessions for PP with SpLD

There is evidence to support the barriers between speech and language skills and educational outcomes. These barriers often cause challenging behaviour in students.


 A significant number of students enrol with descriptions of need which fall under the description of Social Emotional and Mental Health Needs. A significant number have unidentified primary or secondary needs  which will have affected their outcomes in mainstream school and if left unchallenged will have a profound effect on them throughout their education and beyond


As a school we will work with students and parents to ensure assessments, identification of need and that access to relevant support is personalised and bridges the gap between potential and aspirational outcomes.

There is evidence of work with specialists to implement targeted interventions for those students who have identified additional needs using data from their previous school, initial assessment and ongoing teacher assessment.


Exam Access Arrangements: Yr 9 and KS4 students are assessed for access arrangements with reasonable adjustments put in place following the assessment

There is detailed information indicating ‘Normal Way of Working’ for students. Teachers embed teaching and learning which enables students to use strategies (including assistive technology and other resources) to improve ongoing attainment and to support effective completion of national exams


3; 5; 7

Students identified as vulnerable offered specific interventions to encourage attendance


Staggered start and finish times are successfully implemented to improve chronic poor attendance on a phased reintegration. Incremental improvements are in evidence for students with historic poor attendance.


Detailed and consistent personalised Intervention from Attendance Officers which includes shared planning with multi agency teams.

Students with attendance under 85% participate in an Attendance Plan which adheres to SMART target setting.

There is clear evidence of consistent communication with parents to ensure holistic planning.

Attendance to lessons is monitored via Class Charts



Implement a programme to Progress improvement in reading to increase PP student’s access to a range of reading books

Abbey Manor College has set up a library with books carefully curated to suits all level and interests.


A Reading Project has been implemented to encourage an interest in and love of reading which is extended beyond formal learning.


All Pupil Premium students have an opportunity to attend the supervised and topic- based reading sessions.


All students will take part in regular, mandatory reading sessions.  A literacy specialist is commissioned to work with Abbey Manor College for two days per week. The specialist supports to embed a cohesive graduated response to assess reading levels contextually. Using standardised assessments and scrutinising workbooks. Recommendations are made to ensure text is relevant and aspirational.



SEND screening to support EHCP application where necessary. Create a data driven and robust identification pathway for learners who will benefit from and are eligible for an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).

100% of PP students are assessed at the point of entry for any unidentified needs using baseline testing and previous school data.


100% of PP students who are identified as need additional support, are offered a personalised and targeted curriculum offer. This will address either their educational gaps or support them with specific learning difficulties


100% of PP learners whose needs are beyond Abbey Manor College’s offer are given access to external professionals including but not limited to:

1.             Speech and Language Therapist

2.             Specialist Literacy support

3.             Student and whole school support from the Educational Psychology Service


Progress is tracked at SEND meetings as part of an ongoing assess-plan-do-review cycle.

Students who continue to demonstrate significant barriers to learning and have made no progress will be put forward for an application for an EHCP.

3; 6; 7; 8; 12


Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £15,880


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Improved mental health and wellbeing for all students: Mental Health Nurse holds individual sessions with students to plan, implement and review measures to improve wellbeing


Mental Health Nurse advises and supports teachers to implement strategies and approaches to enhance the mental health wellbeing of students

Improved behaviour monitored via teacher assessments, Classcharts and Student Voice


Staff can evidence the different strategies and approaches used to enhance student mental health and wellbeing.


Improve attendance of PP students:

Attendance Officer to prioritise PP in follow ups, meetings with EWO and parents.

Funded breakfast club for PP.
Free uniform for PP students

Gap between attendance of PP and others is demonstrably reduced.
Attendance of PP improves significantly in comparison to non PP.

Monitoring and reporting to Management Committee half termly via Students and Standards and full Management Committee meetings


Attendance at LA partnership meetings to share information and plan a coordinated support for students and their families

Early indicators of exclusion, absence and lack of engagement are identified and acted upon quickly so as to access services

9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17

PP students fully prepared for Year 11 exams: After school targeted support.


  • Half term support
  • Saturday school
  • Revision booklets
  • Parents evenings
  • Exam readiness through tutorial and thought for the week

Improvement in the attainment results of PP students year on year

5; 7; 8


Total budgeted cost: £55,890


Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2023 to 2024 academic year.

Over the course of the academic year, a more robust programme of learning walks, lesson observations and book scrutinies helped to improve the quality of teaching which benefitted all students.  There was a particular focus on the Teachers’ Standards ensuring Quality First Teaching for all.

In addition, staff CPD focused on continuing to support students with their education following the pandemic.  This included swift identification of gaps in learning, intervention support and access to after-school clubs and Saturday School.

An assertive mentoring programme was is provided so that all students had access to a mentor with whom they met regularly to discuss their academic progress and any issues that might be affecting them.

Our reporting system was  means that reports regarding academic attainment, progress, behaviour and attitude to learning were sent home to parents on a half-termly basis.  This helped parents to feel more informed about their child’s progress and they could better support us in addressing any concerns.

Our strategy has helped to reduce, and in most cases eliminate the attainment gap between PP and non-PP students

Catch up funding

Abbey Manor College does not receive Year 7 Catch up funding 

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