College Career Plan

Abbey Manor College Career Plan 2024/25




Responsible Lead

Key Lead


By When

Success Criteria

Guidance, Employability Skills and Work Experience YR11

Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)


Provide all YR11 students with 1:1, impartial and independent guidance, career planning


Employability Skills

All YR11 students have access to 1:1 support to improve interpersonal skill aligned to employability skills






















Work Experience


































Alumni Visits













































































































































1.Education Business Partnership





2. Plan in conjunction with student using the one-page Career Planning Worksheet and Career Pilot.


Explore with students:

a. Communication and interpersonal skills

b. Problem solving skills

c. Using initiative

d. self motivation

e. Working under pressure

f. Organisational skills

g. Team Work

h. Ability/willingness to learn

i. Negotiation skills

j. Valuing diversity


3. Numeracy and Literacy





EY Foundation has been commissioned for paid work experience for students who meet the criteria. Mentoring is offered to afford students with emotional support, preparation for the workplace, feedback on progression and resolving difficulties.


The London Enterprise Advisor Network will work with Abbey Manor College to source placements for students make links with employers


Lewisham Business Partnership will source local businesses and quality assure placements sourced by the student


YR11 students present to KS4 students with a focus on their experiences and expectations at work, Apprenticeships and college




1:1CIEAG Schedule in place for independent CIEAG September 2024





Ensure students with EHCPs, subject to CP Plan and LAC have any relevant additional support



Students are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. They have developed realistic but aspirational career and decision-making skills.


Students are aware of different career and training pathways available to them


Students are aware of different ways of achieving career goals and training



They have the skills to sustain and make progress in FE and in the workplace. They are able to seek support

All students are aware of current and predicted levels. They are aware of grades needed for FE education and training.


All students have had access to guidance by Aut half term 2024..














Students gain workplace experience. They are encouraged and motivated to achieve good academic outcomes and to develop the personal skills to make good relationships with managers and colleagues.


They are able to test out their interests and make any relevant amendments to their post 16 planning






Local employers, trainers and educational post 16 providers are an integral part of student career planning program and timetable.

Expectations of collaborative partners are known and contribute to student outcomes.


Students are aware of the ‘local employment offer’ as well as wider opportunities in London.








Students are aware of the expectations for the world of further education and work.


They are able to ask questions of young people they know and trust to give them an honest account of their experiences.

Students will become more aware of the need to achieve at Abbey Manor in order that they do not have to repeat courses at post 16.

Information for parents available at Parents’ Evening


































July 2025

Guidance, Employability Skills and Work Experience YR10


Ensure all KS3 and YR10 students have access to employability skills and career planning
























Work Experience
























































Plan in conjunction with students using the one-page Career Planning Worksheet and Career Pilot.


Explore with students:

a. Communication and interpersonal skills

b. Problem solving skills

c. Using initiative

d. self-motivation

e. Working under pressure

f. Organisational skills

g. Team Work

h. Ability/willingness to learn

i. Negotiation skills

j. Valuing diversity





Lewisham Business Partnership will source local businesses and quality assure placements sourced by the student


1:1s scheduled for all YR10 students starting week 15th June 2025


Ensure students with EHCPs, subject to CP Plan and LAC have any relevant additional support


















June 2025






Students are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. They know how to seek support.


They are formulating ideas about options and career pathways. Options chosen have reference to possible longer-term interests.


They are able to link behaviour and academic progress to independent adult living.

Students are actively encouraged to consider all options at 14 and 16 so that they select the best options for their interest, motivation, learning style, ability and aspirations.




Students are made explicitly aware that Numeracy and Literacy are integral requirements for all types of jobs and careers.





Students gain workplace experience. They are encouraged and motivated to achieve good academic outcomes and to develop the personal skills to make good relationships with managers and colleagues.


They are able to test out their interests and make any relevant amendments to their post 16 planning





All partner employers are known, DBS and SLA in place schedule for employer visits and participation at assemblies and group work in place from

October half term 2024


Students are better informed opportunities, hear directly from providers and can ask questions.



Allocation of Resources



Parental Awareness


Work Experience

Work Experience

Interpersonal Skills

Employer Engagement

Notice Boards and Displays


Education Business Partnership

Education Business Partnership

London Enterprise Advisor Network


EY Foundation


London Enterprise Advisor Network



Education Business Partnership

All AMC staff

London Enterprise Advisor Network

School website, displays


No Charge

£25.50 per hour

Ad hoc

No Charge



No Charge




Attendance and information sharing at parent evenings and school assembly

Training as part of inset i.e. focus on most at risk of NEET

Work Experience



Post 16 applications, employer engagements events

Work Experience

Tutor Groups, assemblies and throughout the school day

Students have access to employers and local businesses for one week. YR10 in June 2025, YR11 in October 2024

The school makes available to students and parents relevant guidance on line and around the school. Contact details and timetables for applications, submission

Evaluation Schedule



Evaluation Focus

Evaluation Methods






December 2024

Number of students accessing CEIAG

AMC record show number of students attended. Hard to reach students have attended. All students in AP have had access to guidance and know what to do next

90% of students accessed CEIAG and have started career planning

September 2024

YR12 Destinations

School following up

85% and above of students EET

December 2024

YR12 Destinations

Feedback from the Education Partnership on the number of NEETs and EETs

85% and above of students EET

February 2025

Number of students who have made FE application

AMC have recorded direct confirmation of college applications

90% of students have made applications to FE and received confirmation response



Roles and Responsibilities



Person Responsible



Management Committee Member


Member – Lead on careers guidance

 The governing body must ensure that all registered pupils at the school are provided with independent careers guidance from year 8 (12-13 year olds) to year 13 (17-18 year olds)’ and ‘must ensure that the independent careers guidance provided:

  • is presented in an impartial manner;
  • includes information on the range of education or training options, including apprenticeships and other vocational pathways;
  • is guidance that the person giving it considers will promote the best interests of the pupils to whom it is given’ (DfE, Statutory Guidance)


Ensure oversight of AMC’s careers provision by the appropriate committee. Make sure that the careers policy is up-to-date and monitor the effectiveness of provision against the annual careers delivery plan and the curriculum offer.


SLT Curriculum Lead

Nicola Keast

Deputy Headteacher

Ensure all students at KS4 have access to independent guidance, employability skills, access to employers and work experience (where relevant). Ensure that partnerships with external agencies allow for maximum access to post 16 pathways

SLT Administration Lead

Daphne Faucher


Business Manager


Ensure that the AMC website includes an up to date career plan

Support Staff


Higher Level Teaching Assistants

Support the Curriculum Manager to organise a program of careers guidance and external partners. Contact with students and their families in regards to readiness for completing applications, attending interviews and post 16 follow up.

Teaching Staff



Ensure students are aware of expectations for the world of work. Development of interpersonal skills, building positive relationships with peers and adults, being respectful and readiness and routines.



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